Selling Selling Reboot 36B Account ON RANKS!

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by HarukiMurakami, 2/2/17.

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  1. HarukiMurakami

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    Hi! I'm selling this account because I need to quit this game for good lol,
    Can provide you with my reputation from another site and confirmation there via PM (first sale here)

    the account comes with a blaster 20x 120% meso obtained.
    reboot box 3rd stage +
    tons of nebulites
    cannoneer lv 14x - secondary 18% att 35% boss, emblem 21% att 6% all stats and the dream for a cannoneer : 1 attack speed Inner ability
    account was never banned or whispered, is on ranks.

    send me a PM and i'll give you my skype so we can talk better there and provide you with pics if you want.
    will provide full information of the account (original e-mail with verify message when created)

    price: $200
    open to offers

    will only accept paypal from well vouched members, can accept western union or bitcoins otherwise.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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