Selling  Android  High End Selling Really Old Account (First months) | 14 P7 | Tons of 7-6-5 | Lvl 257

Discussion in 'Age of Ishtaria Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HeroYT, 4/6/21.

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  1. HeroYT

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    Selling this Old Account, i just leave the game on different seasons and comeback once in a while.
    808/8569 Units in album.


    The account have:
    -> 14 P7*
    -> 45 7*
    -> Cerf Bury, Mina +2 and Kuzunoha | 7*
    -> Salix and Meru Valentine 6*
    -> 3100 AP/BP (3155 AP and 3609 BP)
    -> 5 Reborn Ticket Exchange


    P7* Units

    -> Nina Summer Water/Pound
    -> Guna Null/Flurry
    -> Zarathustra Fire/Slice
    -> Sojobo Earth/Flurry
    -> Jormungand Water/Slice
    -> Baldr Null/Pound
    -> Salix Earth/Flurry
    -> Polaris Fire/Pound
    -> Sadhbh Fire/Slice
    -> Ianos Null/Slice
    -> Ianos +1 Fire/Slice
    -> Vodyanoy Earth/Flurry
    -> Zairic & Taurvi Fire/Flurry
    -> Gilles de Rais +2 Fire/Slice


    Send Message: [email protected]
    Discord: Malphite AP#3942

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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