Sold Selling Rare Account. warzone annihilator S1 Rewards, Over 1billion in unlocked armour

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lazielazie, 7/19/17.

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  1. Lazielazie

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    Selling super rare old founder account. It has aroound 15-charcters atleast level 65 and a few 70s. It has anywhere between 1billion and 2billion in fully unlcoked rare armour sets that you can use on every character you make. Has all the leveling gear and a powertech and mercenary with season 1 ranked mount. Also has a sentinel with warzone annihilator title. some of the fully unlocked armour sets include, ghostly malgus, stylish defender goggles, senya lightsaber pike, unstable artiber dualsabler, unstable peacemaker lightsaber, thana vesh armor set, dark malgus armor set, cassus fet armor set, insidious concelour armor set, unrelenting terror armor set and many more fully unlocked to the account as well as mounts. You dont have to worry about scams Im an old youtuber account well known in community so you also get a few monthly cartel coins from refer a friends. Let me know if you want to see more information. messsage me your price. Have not played in ages so dont know what this is worth
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