Sold Selling [rank 99] tidus, noctis, aileen, wilhelm, rikku, tilith, dk fina + many = $150

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kai6666, 7/3/17.

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  1. kai6666

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    I was trying to sell this account earlier however the highest bidder failed to response so I kept it for another 2 weeks, and pulled Tidus + Rikku from the guaranteed 10+1 pull!!! Completed a few more TMRs however still can not afford playing this any longer due to having a new born.

    This account started with Noctis + Dark Fina + Lighting (using a macro I wrote), pulled 2 x Gilgamesh + Ramza from the voted pull event, skipped the Orlandeau pull as I hurt quite badly on the voted pull, then Aileen + Wilhelm through 10+1 on their banner, and now Tidus from the guaranteed 10+1 pull.

    This account contains 5 x Point 98 or higher chars based on JP # and have a good balance among different type (Aileen[earth] and Tidus[water] being top element attacker to chain with friend, Ramza will become the IMBA buffer, Rikku and Tilith being best utility and healer, and of course Noctis being a good overall support with chance of receiving good skill awakening). 10+1 Ex ticket and 50 rare tickets have been saved, I would suggest to save them for your luck on Ayaka which I think is the only char you need in long future to remain the strongest team.

    I am only looking for $150 for this account. No injection has ever been used on this account, all TMRs are farmed through Android emulator macro, same for the initial triple rainbow pull. You may check my youtube channel to see the macro in operation and I do not think this carries a ban risk. However, it is up to you to decide.

    Screenshots of the account (does not include recently added units/TMRs)

    Physical Attackers: Tidus (952 Atk when best equipped) + Aileen (936 Atk when best equipped) + Noctis (947 Atk when best equipped) + Gilgamesh x 2 (Genji Golves x 2) + Lightning

    Magical Attacker: Dark Fina (815 Mag when best equipped)

    Healers: Tilith + Refia + Luka + Y'shtola

    Tank: Wilhelm + WoL + Cecil

    Utility: Ramza + Rikku + Minfilia + Setzer x 5 + Xon

    Genji Glove x 2
    Ring of the Lucii x1

    Dual Wield x 2
    Brave Suit x 1
    Quick Assault
    Draco Spike
    Blade Mastery x 2
    Shard of Genius x 3
    Dark Night's Soul
    Dark Bond

    1 x 10+1 Ticket, 49 x Rare Summon Tickets + 1 x 4* ticket
    13k Lapis (iPhone), 2k Lapis (Android)
    16 x 5* Trust Moogle
    200+ King Metal Minituar

    More TMR units (Incomplete) - More TMRs in progress as I only keep 5 of each unit and use others to enhance TMR. Please see screenshots for details.
    Bracer x 5 (70% + 40%
    + 12.4% + 2 more)
    Quick Assault x 4
    Champion's Belt x 3 (10% + 2 more)
    Dark Night's Soul x 5 (15% + 4 more)
    Excalibur x 5 (10% + 4 more)
    Black Cowl x 5
    Bowie Knife x 2 (10%+ 1 more)
    Dual Wield x 2 (45% + 1 more)
    Emperor's Majesty x 5 (55% + 4 more)
    Letters and Arms x 5 (10% + 4 more)
    Magistral Crest x 7
    Magic Amplifier x 2
    Monster Breastplate x 5 (33.5% + 4 more)
    Save the Queen x 4 (15% + 4 more)
    Blade Mastery x 3

    Units: 700
    Material: 200
    Equipment: 200
    Friend: 80
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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