Selling Selling Rank 30 with CCR HB Defender, r16a4, twm x308, FY103Shiny Metal perm. and more

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by iLikeCSGO, 8/27/17.

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  1. iLikeCSGO

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    Hello im selling my warface TR* account rank 30 with 2+ KD 80+ wins / 20 losses

    *I will give you the vpn to access Warface TR in case you are not turkish if you are interested
    ** in warface TR the auction house is still there and the random boxes for warface dollars too**

    important items on the account :

    - R16A4
    - Dewnfield
    - CCR Honey Badger Defender
    - Tactical Axe
    - All Earth Shaker Helmets
    - TWM X308
    - AY P226
    - FY 103 Shiny Metal Permanent (cannot be bought or sold in the acution house ) *RARE*
    - SVK jungle
    - 3 Days of VIP from today ( 27/08/2017 )
    - 5000$
    - few K left
    - 250+ Blue smokes
    - 4+ days Karkom SMG (from 27/08/2017)

    If you would sell all of these things you would probably get around 2000+ kredits ( the price of a karkom smg permanent on the acution house)

    we can discuss price and more info at : [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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