Sold Selling Rank 149 Account With Good SSR And Summons

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Asbotemus, 8/6/19.

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  1. /u/Asbotemus

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    Im selling account casue universty registry also lost interset though.

    Discord: Anterihas#7366

    All Row-IV unlocked,All Ex1 Unlocked , Ex2: Glorybringer, Kengo.

    Total 102 SSR:

    A lot of good grand character and limited

    Lucio, Alexiel, Katalina, Vajra, Drang, Cain, S.jeanne, S.yuel, S.Heles

    2 FLB Juuten(Siete,Nİo) and Tweyen

    And others at the link.


    Notable:FLB Shiva, Shiva, FLB Alexiel, Frery, 150 LVL Baha, Bonito, Varuna, Titan, FLB Lumi, FLB Tia


    Murg *0 -1

    Drang Ball*0-1

    Cain's Katana*0-1

    Mirror Shard*0-1


    FLB Eden and *0 Eden

    Moon, Bars and Supply statue in the link :

    I think 150$ as a starting price should be good also i can look other offers.

    For payment Skrill will be good because Paypal not active on my country.

    # #/Asbotemus
    # .
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