Sold Selling Rank 125 Rainbow Account with 81 SSR Characters

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by llednaroth, 4/18/17.

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  1. llednaroth

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    6 month old account. I've been playing with friends mostly, but work has gotten in my way as of recently.


    Notable Summons
    1 Athena

    0 Lucifer
    0 Tez
    1 Bonito
    0 Agni
    1 Grand Order
    + many other event, farmable and gacha SSRs

    Items, Other important things:
    63 full AP
    381 half AP
    94 full BP powders
    609 seeds
    1 gold bar
    2 sunlight stones
    2 Silver centrums
    60 bronze moons
    23 silver moons
    19 gold moons
    50 valor badges
    6 betting tickets
    Various T4 Jobs unlocked. Spartan, Berserker, Warlock, Bandit Tycoon, Nighthound. Have a maxed Oliver
    Several stashes unlocked, about 5 for weapon and 3 for summon I think
    1 Gold Beast Seal

    Base grids for any element available, although not all of them are fully complete. Water has a full grid that just needs to be HL'd. Fire is nearly done, and so is Earth and Wind. Dark and Light still have some way to go.

    Includes Fully Awakened Xeno Weaps (1 each for fire and earth, with 1 0* of each in stash)

    Rather recent stuff is incomplete due to me not being able to play recently.

    Please message with a price or offer if interested.
    I have also been selling this account on the reddit GBF trade page.
    Looking for paypal only. I will send you the account info once the payment has been submitted only.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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