Sold Selling Rank 106 early HL account

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by spongebear, 6/5/17.

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  1. spongebear

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    Playing this casually as an alt, so there is no rush in selling. Posting it to look out for interested parties.
    There are 65 SSR characters on this account. Lots of limited including monkey & highly wanted chicken. No szoi.
    Summon wise, notable ones are MLB Titan, 1* Hades, 2* Garuda, Odin, Lucifer, Grande, Kaguya and some SSR carbuncles. Lots of SR carbuncles, no worries. I didn't ss some useless SSR summons that are meant for reducing.
    Main grid is Titan enmity grid. Almost complete just need a little more effort. Though take note that there is no xeno vohu harp, sausage axes are place holder until rerun. Rest of the elements are building on base grid, except wind which is more or less done for base. 0 chev sword traded from pendant shop so if you get 1 more drop from chev that's 2 flb if you trade all
    Supplies wise is more than enough with a healthy amount of moons. All dama & gold bar untraded. 1 dama bar in inventory.
    46 rolls available now including tickets.
    T4 only elysian unlocked. Well this T4 isn't hard to unlock now anyway since you can trade 30 each now instead of 1 per day. Already did the hard part upgrading a maxed class weap.
    Last but not least, there are 137 pages of gacha weapons & summons in present box (yes I'm not kidding). LOTS of pluses and reduce fodders.
    If interested please do not hesitate to pm me a genuine offer. Deal will be through a known middleman unless you're willing to go first. If you're in Singapore we can do a meetup as well. Better account trades welcomed too. Alternatively, you can reach me on Discord : Soggy#0461
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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