Selling Selling Rainbow Six Siege Ranked Boosting

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Gugus, 10/18/17.

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  1. Gugus

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    Hello, I want to start becoming a "booster" to get some money and for fun ! :D
    I'm currently diamond on my main account (I have two), this is the link to it :
    I was top 200 last season with around 4800 (could've gotten more but decided to just play casual/or other servers/other account)
    I can boost you from any rank to your desired one.
    If you just one a certain number of wins, I can do that too. I play every operator, can boost K/D, W/L, everything you want. :D
    I will take from 1 to 2.50 euros per win (depending on your rank)
    If you are interested, add me on uplay : Gugus4Days
    We can discuss the price, etc...

    Have a good day :D
    #1 Gugus, 10/18/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/23/18
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