Hi , I am offerin cheap boosting services for people who want to reach a certain rank! This is just a mini job for some extra cash :p FAQ : Q: What is your guaranteed win rate? A: I guarantee 90-95% of the time I will win games very fast. Q:What is your current rank? A: I am on the bottom of Plat 1 right now.[Fluctuates between high Low Plat 2 and High plat 1] Q: How long do these take? A: The time it takes to reach a rank depends on the rank you desire. The higher the longer. Q: What payments do you take? A: I mainly accept Paypal ( must be friends or family). But if you have a payment method that may interest me , discuss with me! Prices: RANKS PRICE (PER DIVISION) COPPER 4 - COPPER 3 $5 USD COPPER 3 - COPPER 2 $5 USD COPPER 2 - COPPER 1 $5 USD COPPER 1 - BRONZE 4 $7 USD BRONZE 4 - BRONZE 3 $7 USD BRONZE 3 - BRONZE 2 $7 USD BRONZE 2 - BRONZE 1 $7 USD BRONZE 1 - SILVER 4 $9 USD SILVER 4 - SILVER 3 $9 USD SILVER 3 - SILVER 2 $9 USD SILVER 2 - SILVER 1 $9 USD SILVER 1 - GOLD 4 $12 USD GOLD 4 - GOLD 3 $14 USD GOLD 3 - GOLD 2 $16 USD GOLD 2 - GOLD 1 $18 USD GOLD 1 - PLAT 3 $22 USD PLAT 3 - PLAT 2 $30 USD PLAT 2 - PLAT 1 N/A [ This is where my skillcap is set] NOTES : While I am logged into your account I will not talk with your friends. Use Skype as a way to keep track with me while I am doing your wins. If I do not reach the rank within a certain amount of time I guarantee a full refund. Do not log into the account while I am In game. If you have any questions / concerns contact me on skype! Skype : live:hyperrasengan11 Will Only do NA / EU Boosting services SS of my ranks recently [2 accounts] :