Sold Selling Ragnarok EU: Veteran player leaving game, selling everything (BTC / Paypal)

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nordic_Gil, 7/14/17.

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  1. Nordic_Gil

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    Hello everyone, I am a legit veteran player since 1.0 and made all my gil through crafting and trading.
    Since I haven't had time enough to enjoy the game lately I decided to try and cash out some before I quit.

    Have a stock of 600M+ gil ready and can trade face-to-face or via MB / mail if buyer prefers any of those options.

    Payment options are Bitcoin / Litecoin and Paypal and I will provide my Skype adress to anyone interested in buying.
    Prices are based on the current market price but I will always provide discounts for big purchases.

    The account is up for grabs aswell if I receive a good enough offer, it has SAM70, all classes except MNK and AST at Lv.60, all crafts currently at Lv.64-65. Lots of veteran rewards, triple triad cards, mounts, collectors edition HW etc.
    Feel free to ask if interested!

    Happy shopping :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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