Sold Selling r9rr wizard tidalwel+ emperor

Discussion in 'Perfect World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lincstewie, 10/8/16.

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  1. Lincstewie

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    Hi there. i resently decided to quit pwi cause I just had a son. So I'm selling my toon cause I won't be needing it anymore.

    I got a rank 9 3rd recast wizard.
    It's 103x3 in level
    Got 1269 spirit.
    13k hp (need a little work there)
    40k phy defs and 39k mag defs)(SELF BUFF)
    I got 47k magic attack. 137 attack over 48 def lvl.
    Gear time. The refine on the armor is only 5-7 and shards with Garnet shards. The helmet is G16 and is +5
    Weapon is +12 with lvl 11 attack shards.
    The robe it got a matchless on it. Basically no refine cause it better to upgrade it first. Necklace is NW and is refine +11 the rings is NW star destiny refine is +11 and the other ring is rank9 NW refine is also +11.

    All the neuma is max out and all cards are max out to but on S card which is at 73/80 so very close.
    As I'm sure you know i spend way over $3000 on this toon. But I'm willing to let it go for 400 USD. I don't have PayPal only used Western union or Etranfer if you in Canada. Message me your Skype or number and I be in contact with you.
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