Selling Selling [Quitting Sale] iRO (chaos) renewal zeny/items/account

Discussion in 'Ragnarok Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by fr33x, 6/29/17.

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  1. fr33x

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    This post will be constantly updated to ensure no out of stock issue.


    Zeny Prices:
    $5 USD - 100M
    $40 USD - 1B

    Currently have: 4B Left
    Already sold: 5B


    Items Prices:
    [SOLD] $80 USD (+7 Cylinder Hairband)
    $60 USD (+9 Fallen Angel Wing [Deviling Card] EA10)
    [SOLD] $25 USD (+7 Enchanted Variant [Mvp Moonlight])
    $20 USD (Toy Syringe)
    $15 USD (Kingbird Shadow Set, +8 Weap/+7 Armor)


    PM/Reply here or E-mail and we will set up a time to perform the trade. You can ask for proof before purchase.

    E-mail: [email protected]
    IGN: ~Mew~


    P.S. For those who are interested in buying accounts, I have 6 accounts for sale
    All of these will be really cheap prices as I am quitting.

    1) 130 Gene, 101 Sorcs, 100 SC (Male), 94 Paladin, 85 GS (All Female except SC)
    2) 105 GX, 108 Ranger (All Male)
    3) 102 AB, 99 RK (All Female)
    4) 99 AB, 99 WL, 100 Ranger (All Female)
    5) 118 SC (Male)
    6) 64 Soul Link, 70 Summoner
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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