I'm selling my swtor pvp ranked account. PvP Rewards: - S1 Armors & Weapons - S2 Decorations - S3 Weapons & Crystals - S4 Weapons & Crystals - S5 Weapons & Crystals & Mounts - S6 Weapons & Crystals & Mounts - S7 Crystals + Mounts + Flags - S8 Weapons & Crystals + Mounts + Flags https://imgur.com/a/ZGD6R - Powertech lvl 70, valor 100 the Unyielding, the Infernal Swashbuckler, the Dauntless, The Entertaining, Crowd Pleaser, Maximum Decimator, Hot, Sizzling, the Fiery Baron Deathmark's Predacious Wrangler, Ember Makrin, Gladatorial Nexu, Giradda's Special Pet Nexu. Dark Reaver armor set TOP 3 TITLE [APEX POWERTECH] https://imgur.com/a/Ly8sg - Gunslinger lvl 70, valor 100 the Infernal Deadly Contender, S1-Amateur, S-1 Professionnal, The Dauntless Baron Deathmark's Predacious Wrangler Elite War Hero Armor Set TOP 3 TITLE [APEX GUNSLINGER] https://imgur.com/a/Wt5Mo - Sniper lvl 70, valor 100 the Unyielding, The Infernal, Drouk Hunter, the Furious Deadly Contender, S1-Champion, S2-Champion, S2-Professional, Just A Little Furious, Fairly Furious, Swashbuckler, The Entertaining, Crowd Pleaser, Maximum Decimator, The Fearless and Inventive, Hot, Sizzling, the Fiery Dark Reaver armor set Ember Makrin, Gladatorial Nexu, Giradda's Special Pet Nexu - Marauder lvl 70, valor 84 the Unyielding, the Infermal, the Furious S1-Champion, Giradda's Kind of Scum, Hot, Sizzling, the Fiery Giradda's Acklay, Baron Deathmark's Predacious Wrangler - Vanguard lvl 70, valor 79 The Fearless and Inventive Dark reaver armor set - Sentinel lvl 70, valor 81 Deadly Contender Cartel Market Collection: Armors: - Primeval Stalker's Armor Set - Phantom Armor Set - Destroyer Armor Set - Mandalore The Preserver's Armor Set - Eradicator's Armor Set - Saul Karath's Armor Set Mounts: - Overlord's Command Throne - Toons on US Server - 69% PvP - Manhunter - Legacy 50 - 85% datacrons - All class buffs