Sold Selling PvP Account with top 3 titles and s3 armors

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ethdolen, 10/30/17.

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  1. Ethdolen

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    Hi playerup, i’m selling one of the most awesome PvP Account.

    All toons are on EU serv.


    Assassin, level 70, valor 100, social X. (cxp 300)

    Deadly Contender, S-1 Professional, S-1 All-Star, S-2 Champion, Fairly Furious, Fantastically Furious, Swashbuckler, The Dauntless, The Entertaining, Crowd Pleaser, Maximum Decimator, Champion of the Assassins.
    Girrada's Rancor, Furious Walker, Gladiatorial Nexu.

    Powertech, level 70, valor 91, social X. (cxp 300)

    Swashbuckler, The Dauntless, The Infamous, The Entertaining, Crowd Pleaser, Maximum Decimator, Champion of the Powertechs.
    Swashbuckling Cutter, Gladiatorial Nexu.

    Powertech, level 70, valor 56.

    The Entertaining, Crowd Pleaser, Maximum Decimator.

    Juggernaut, level 70, valor 100, social X. (cxp 300)

    S-1 All-Star, S-2 All-Star, Fantastically Furious, Famously Furious, Swashbuckler, The Dauntless, The Infamous, The Dread Juggernaut, The Entertaining, Crowd Pleaser, Maximum Decimator, Champion of the Juggernauts.
    Girrada's Rancor, Furious Walker, Swashbuckling Cutter, Gladiatorial Nexu, Girrada's Special Pet Nexu.

    Juggernaut, level 70, valor 82.

    S-1 Champion, Fantastically Furious.
    Furious Walker.

    Sniper, level 70, valor 74, social X. (cxp 300)

    S-2 Professional, Just A Little Furious.

    Sorcerer, level 70, valor 77

    Fantastically Furious.

    Furious Walker.

    Mercenary, level 70, valor 85.

    Swashbuckler, The Dauntless, The Infamous, The Dread Mercenary, The Entertaining, Crowd Pleaser, Maximum Decimator.
    Swashbuckling Cutter, Gladiatorial Nexu, Girrada's Special Pet Nexu.

    Guardian, level 70, valor 100, social X.

    Fantastically Furious, Famously Furious, Swashbuckler, The Dauntless, Hot, Sizzling.
    Furious Walker, Gladiatorial Nexu, Girrada's Acklay.

    Sentinel, level 70, valor 97, social X. (cxp 300)

    Hot, Sizzling, The Fiery.

    Gladiatorial Nexu, Girrada's Acklay.

    Vanguard, level 70, valor 89, social X.

    The Entertaining, Crowd Pleaser, Maximum Decimator, Champion of the Vanguards

    Other Characters :

    Sorcerer level 70
    x2 Marauder level 70
    Gunslinger level 70
    Commando level 70
    Guardian level 70
    Shadow level 70
    Sage level 65
    Scoundrel level 65
    Operative level 60


    Cartel Market Items :

    Armors : Ajunta Pall Armor
    Thexan's Robe
    Zakuul Knight Armor
    Unfettered Trench Coat

    Weapons : Unstable Peacemaker's Lightsaber
    Gamorrean Axe
    DLA-13 Heavy Blaster Rifle
    Max-Tac Precision Sniper Rifle
    Volatile Conqueror's Lightsaber

    Mounts : Overlord's Command Throne
    Landslile Assault Speeder
    Koensayr Revolution
    Nathema Sithspawn


    Misc :

    Legacy level 50
    All datacrons
    19k Ach
    76% PvP.

    Pm me if you want some screenshots or if you want to make an offer.

    Add me on discord : Ethdolen#3223

    Have a nice day.
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