Sold Selling PvE account with 95% Ops, Several Crests, couple Dread Enhanced Rancors/Wings

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Penguin777, 11/20/16.

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  1. Penguin777

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    Lvl 65 Powertech: PvE titles-The Unyielding, The Infernal, Warstalker, from Beyond, Dragonslayer, the Eternal Warrior, Gate Crasher, Revanchist
    PvP titles- Favored by the Scorekeeper
    9/14 224 9 being shared with others
    Wings of the Architect, Dread Master inquisi head, gloves, Dread Master BH chest, Dread Master agent belt, Oriconian boots legs, Crest of the Dread Master, Dark Reaver BH all but head and boots, Kell Dragon Pistol

    Lvl 65 Powertech: PvE titles- the Infernal, Warstalker, Eternal Warrior, Gate Crasher, Revanchist
    PvP titles- The Dauntless, Infamous
    14/14 224
    Avalanche Heavy Tank, Full Oriconian BH save gloves/belt dyed black/black, Crest of the Dread Master, Dark Reaver BH chest gloves, kell dragon agent head

    Lvl 65 Mercenary: PvE titles- Infernal, Warstalker, from Beyond, Dragonslayer
    Dread Master BH helmet, chest, DM Warrior gloves, agent belt, oriconian BH legs boots, Dark Reaver agent head, BH chest belt, Wings of the Architect
    4 pieces 224, 10 220

    Lvl 65 Sorcerer: PvE titles- Unyielding, Infernal, Warstalker, Dread Slayer, Dragonslayer, Eternal Warrior

    Lvl 65 Powertech: PvE titles- Infernal, Warstalker, from Beyond
    Dread Master Inquiz head, BH chest, agent gloves, oriconian belt legs boots, Dark Reaver agent head BH chest, Kell Dragon Pistol
    9/14 224

    Lvl 65 Commando: PvE titles- Unyielding, Infernal, Warstalker, Eternal Warrior
    Tionese/Columi trooper chest, Exhumed trooper gloves, chest, Crest of the Dread Master

    Lvl 65 Vanguard: PvE titles- Dread Master, Infernal, Unyielding, Warstalker
    Dread Enhanced Rancor, Kell dragon agent gloves warrior belt blaster rifle
    13/14 224

    Lvl 65 Powertech: Revanchist, Dread Enhanced Rancor
    12/14 224

    Lvl 65 Juggernaut: This is my DvL character, everything done besides 1 chapter. 1 chapter will plug in legendary. Has Cybernetic Rancor from Eternal Championship
    4 224, 8 220

    Lvl 65 Assassin: Unyielding, Warstalker, from Beyond, Eternal Warrior
    Deceiver Inquis head, Kell Dragon inquis head, Crest of the Dread Master, Battlmaster inquiz chest, Kell dragon saberstaff
    Full 208 pvp legacied, 224/220 pve save left sides

    Lvl 65 Mercenary: Unyielding, Infernal
    Dark Reaver BH chest gloves legs belt, agent head
    Full 208 pvp legacied

    Lvl 65 Guardian: Unyielding, Infernal, Warstalker
    Avalanche Heavy Tank, Exhumed trooper chest gloves, tionese trooper chest

    Lvl 65 Juggernaut: full Dread Forged save head
    13/14 208 Skank tank legacy

    Lvl 65 Juggernaut: Infernal, Dragonslayer, Titan 6 containment mount
    Full 208 Spank, 220/224 mix pve DPS

    Lvl 65 Powertechx2

    Lvl 49+50 Scoundrel

    Lvl 65 Jugg

    Lvl 65 Sniper, 57

    Lvl 65 Assassin x3, 1 50

    Lvl 65 Sorc x3

    Lvl 65 Operative x2, 1 has some Dark Reaver, 1 51

    Lvl 65 Merc x3, 1 50

    Lvl 65+49 Vanguard

    Lvl 65 Marauder x3

    Lvl 65 Commando x2

    Lvl 65 Sage

    Lvl 65 Sentinel

    Lvl 50 Shadow

    Lvl 50 Guardian

    Legacy Gear:
    224 Powertech/Vanguard DPS Head - Offhand
    224 Powertech/Vanguard Tank Head - Mainhand, 220 offhand
    216/220/224 mix Assassin/Shadow tank
    220-224 mix Assassin/Shadow dps
    220-224 mix Merc/Mando dps
    Mix Merc/Mando heals
    216-224 mix Jugg/Guardian Tank
    220-224 mix Jug/Guard DPs
    204/208 pvp jug dps unaugged
    208 sorc dps augged
    208 assassin dps augged
    208 marauder dps augged + corruptor blades(BC)
    208 merc dps augged
    208 skank jugg augged
    216 Mara pve augged 220 corruptor blades(BC)
    208 Operative unaugged
    208 sniper mix augged
    6 corruptor blades

    Some cartel outfits, weapons (Volatile conqueror sabers double and single, defiant vented single) and lots of emotes
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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