Selling Selling PSN account multiple games, DLC, and level 118 in gta online

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network Accounts | PSN Account - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 4/15/15.

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    I'm looking to sell my PSN account that has GTA 5, GTA 4, Diablo 3, Payday The Heist, Metro: Last Light, Assassin's Creed 3, Dead Nation and Infamous. Season pass for borderlands 2 and the ultimate vault hunter upgrade pack. Faction Pack dlc for Metro: last light. Fallout out new vegas dlc old world blues, dead money, and honest hearts. GTA Online account is rank 118 with two apartments Eclipse Towers 31 and Richards Majestic 2. Every car part is unlocked and every car is fully upgraded. Cars Owned are the gallivanter baller suv, vapid sandking xl truck, dewbauchee exemplar coupe (fastest 4 door car), BF bifta off road, declasse granger suv, pegassi vacca super, overflod entity xf super, pegassi bati 801 motorcycle, annis elegy rh8 sport, vapid sandking swb truck (only one not fully upgraded), benefactor dubsta 6x6 truck, karin futo sport, vapid dominator muscle, Liberator monster truck, dundreary stretch limo. "Normal" mental state and everything was earned without glitches. Diablo 3 account has a level 52 Barbarian. Borderlands 2 game isnt downloaded on the account but has the season pass a level 60 siren, level 50 gunzerker, level 51 assassin, level 50 commando, and leverl 52 mechromancer. All of them have legendary weapons and mods. Message me for any more details, best offer and proof


    Hey add me on Skype and we can talk zGooNzUnique I might buy the account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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