Sold Selling PSN Account: Apcify

Discussion in 'NBA Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Apcify, 5/22/24.

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  1. Apcify

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    Im selling my PSN account since i'm switching to Xbox

    PSN: Apcify

    Account has a bunch of love you read below about what this account has specifically

    All builds on 2k are BRAND NEW. Made only a week ago since I wanted to have the updated # guard builds (check the date under the builds created date) The only build which is old is the center which was made almost at the beginning of the game the build is STILL the # outside center build in stage. The other 2 builds made litterly 1 week and 2 weeks ago are 6'4 and 6'6 guards the badges are maxed and are THE UPDATED # stage guard builds as of today's date May 22nd and will probably be until the end of the game.

    My park stats 70% win and 65% from 3 with over 100 games played this season (I only played comp stage and pro am 3v3. This account is also a long time member of the currently number #1 ranked pro am 3v3 team in the WORLD as of today's date May 22nd yes the number #1 ranked team in the WORLD we will likely be number #1 in the world for the rest of the game and in 2k25

    This account has every actual TOP comp stage player added on as a PSN friend and some but not all XBOX players added as a 2K friend (On the 2k phone). Also a bunch of OG PSN tags are have also been long time friends with this account.

    This account is an event qualifier for the event "Strikeout" with cloths and accessories such as the Strikeout jersey and Strikeout arm sleeves.

    Also this account has qualified for scoring over 500k points in the newest event added to 2k which was last weekends "Cold Snap" event. It has the cold snap jersey the cold snap banner and the cold snap shorts.

    This account has a legit LOADED MyTeam roster with the best current coach Diamond Doc Rivers as of today's date May 22nd there is a bunch more of Dark Matters and Galaxy Opals on this account which are not seen in the picture as I can only put 10 players in a lineup. This MyTeam account is one of the best squads in the game and can be used to compete at the HIGHEST LEVEL in NBA2k24 MyTeam.

    This account has current gen and next gen versions of the game everything is on the next gen version. Current gen is bought but has no MyPlayers made and no data. BUT if you play current gen MyTeam the MyTeam transfers over to both versions of the game so if you only play MyTeam on current gen this will work for you!

    This account is also in GOAT league in play now online which is the highest league/ level you can get on play now online. This is not an easy task at all to obtain only players are in GOAT league

    This account also has the 2k24 1st place winner avatar for placing #1 in multiple NBA2k24 PS5 tournaments (shits comp asf and rare asf I swear). You can ONLY get this avatar if you have won a substantial amount of PSN PS5 NBA2k24 play now online tournaments. Also this avatar is not available to get anymore you can't even mod this avatar onto any PSN account.

    Along with the NBA2k24 PS5 tournament 1st place trophy avatar. This account also has THE LITTERAL BEST OG modded 2006 avatars in playstation history which normally to obtain any of them you have to go through the process of going to a specific online PSN store and buy it there and there's a few more steps you have to complete before you get to the store and actually buy them for you account it's not sold in the generic PSN store. Currently the avatar in the picture I sent is that is currently being used is arguably the most OG "comp" avatar you can have on playstation. Don't believe me? do some research and ask around

    This account also has MAXED out modded trophies as you can see in the picture (999) with the platinum logo) you cannot add ANYMORE modded trophies to this account as it is maxed and at 999 for a reason. You can still get platinum trophies and all other trophies obviously by just getting them normally by completing them in games and stuff it's just you cant MOD anymore hence why it is maxed out at 999 with the platinum logo. Normally modding trophies is a hassle and finding someone trusty to do this for your account is tough also the cost isn't particularly cheap either especially for maxed out 999 PSN trophies.

    Also this account has a modded/# BO3 account account with GOD mod classes every emblem, calling card, banner etc in the game basically everything in the game is on this account it has the a bunch if the best custom emblems infinite liquid divinium all easter egg banners achievements etc. This account also has completed every achievement in the game on all 3 modes. Which is required to obtain the platinum trophy for this game (WHICH IS NOT OBTAINABLE BY MODS OR ANYTHING ELSE) So basically the only way to get this platinum trophy is to grind the game yourself or pay someone to grind it for you this trophy is only on 0.001% of ALL PSN accounts.

    This account also has MW3 with a bunch of Camos, Emblems, Calling cards ETC. It's even got the Nuke emblem and logo which you get for getting a nuke which is 30 straight kills without dying also has the trophy for this as well

    If you want to see anything related to BO3 just DM me

    This account has so many things on it and is a ******* steal this is the perfect account for you to buy and play on

    If you have ANY questions or want pictures videos or ANYTHING just DM and ask me
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