Selling Selling PS4 Trials, Raids, Strikes and more

Discussion in 'Destiny Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell Powerleveling | Cheap & Safe' started by itherock, 10/17/17.

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  1. itherock

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    Hello Guardians!
    Nice to see you here!

    Let us intoduce ourselfs:
    We're friends of your friends who is doing Flawless Trials, Raids, Nightfalls and other Activites every week many times.

    All of our players are extremly good in pve and pvp. We're legioners in trials and iron banner. And at this moment we decided to do your Destiny 2 expirience much easier.

    We do everything by ourself and will always consider your account security to the highest priority.

    We can guarantee

    -No other teams
    -No other boosters
    -No bugs
    -No #
    -Playing in invisible mod

    If u wanna see it by yourself, few of us can provide stream for you.


    Trials Flawless
    1 character - 35$
    2 - 65$
    3 - 95$
    AWARE, you need to have completed Crucible Milestone, and at least 260 Power to Enter Trials

    Leviathan Raid (normal)
    1 - 40$
    2 - 75$
    3 - 115$
    AWARE, you need to have 270 power

    For Hard Raid - contact us

    1 - 10$ (normal) / 25$ (prestige)
    2 - 15$ (normal) / 45$ (prestige)
    3 - 20$(normal) / 55 (prestige)
    For Normal you need
    240 Power
    For Prestige you need
    280 Power

    Exotic Quests
    Mida Multi Tool - 35$
    Strum - 35$
    Rat King - 50$

    If you have any qustions or you are ready to order, contact us:

    Email -
    [email protected]

    Skype -

    Payment only with PayPal

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