Selling account with Dozens of games with big names, some are ps4 and ps5 others ps4 only but i'm fairly sure almost all of them have free upgrade to ps5 like cyberpunk The witcher 3, God of War, Nier automata AC Odissey, AC vahlalla, persona 4 golden and 5 royal, xuan yuan 7, a few yakuza games, aot2, tales of arise, tales of zestiria, spider man, deus ex machina, batman trilogy, cyberpunk 2077, middle earth shadow of war, DMC 5, Just cause 4, Far cry new dawn, All steins gate games, god eater 1 and 2 one punch man tokyo ghoul Hogwarts legacy code vein caligula effect persona 5 strikers Yakuza like a dragon Judgement (lost judgement in a separate account if interested) days gone, watch dogs 2, fairy tail, greedfall ARK Kingdom come deliverance infamous 2nd son final fantasy x/x-2 and final fantasy xv and xiv sao bullet and sao hr tales of berseria and others Discord: Stingus_4917