Hello Players I sell my Primeval Ancestral 7 - EU Server - Haranya Specially created for PVP All the gear is Divin except Costume and Undergarment If you full gems all the parts you can have 7k GS or more SpeedBoat/MerchandShip/Hauler NA character has max lvl in Mining +17k gold in bag About Gear: 3 parts Obisidian T5 Divin ( Head, Hand and Boots ) 4 parts Delphinad Gale Divin ( Guard, Belt, Jerkin , Pants ) Most of Delphinad parts are gemmed but you can add some new one Weapon: Divin Ayanad Gale Bow - 7/7gems Divin Obisidian T5 ShortSpear and T5 Dagger - 6gems/7 Divin T5 Lute - 6gems/7 gems Accessory: All Ayanad Divin Earring(Lightning) Necklace(Lightning) and Ring(Gale) Costume and Undergarment: Undergarment legendary :Range atq/Focus/Def pene/Ranged skill Damage/Ranged Critical Rate Costume Legendary :Range atq/Ranged Skill Damage/Evasion/Ranged critical Rate/Ranged critical Damage Link: http://hpics.li/547be07 Price : 750€ If you need more information, you are welcome