Selling Pretty Good Brave Frontier Account

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kelvingamer, 1/3/17.

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  1. kelvingamer

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    Lvl 255 RC 6
    Archangel Rank (288K points)
    6 gems13.3mil zel
    4.6mil karma
    1045 unit slots (Currently 861 units, mostly rare summons units)
    520 item slots (Currently 471 items)
    13.5K Honor Pts87K Achievement Points
    28 Omnis100 7*s (Mostly Omni Pot)
    47 6*s140 5*s
    15 Brave Frogs
    35 Brave Emperors16 Sphere Frogs
    ~ 140 Imps8 Imp Artons
    ~ 120 ElgifsHave Most Limited Units
    2 Galtiers
    2 Ensa Taya
    2 Zeros
    Juno Seto
    and Ravenna
    All KOF units*
    Can't remember all, feel free to inquire for specific units

    Seeking Price $300, spent wayyyy more than that.
    If interested, Send me a PM and we can negotiate. Dummy Facebook. account and email, both will be provided. (you can even change the Facebook. email after if you'd like)Standard Online Shopping rules, goods after payment recieved, accepting cash[Meetups] or bank transfers)Reason for selling, quitting the game.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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