Hello, Im a PoE player, more than 4500h i can powerleveling ur character pretty fast whitout any #, map # or external programs, i never got any warn from GGG for my service. Any custom service are accepted as well and i'll provide updates about the service by pm. I can modify some build if you need. Warning: send me a personal message before buying the service and explain me what kind of build you want. (just to be sure to avoid any problematic during the service) Instructions: -first thing to do after a payment is to send me a pm with all the info about your service : login/password, build/tree and all the preferences u have. -Once i reply i need the unlock code if the account isn't new, when i log with your account the service timer starts. -Do not log in that account until the service is done, that can slow the service because after that i need the unlock code again. I will send u a pm when the service is done and u can log in the account. -When you get your account back (check on it and change password) leave a feedback pls . -All the drops will stay on your account and the character will be guilded for unique level gear from my stash, i provide a good equip to let u play without any problem. (no end game gear) -No Labs and no secondary quests, (i'll do that only if needed as key for the skill tree for the build to work) -I will run a little lower prices because i haven't an account here yet so we need some feedback -I can go for lower price for multiple services from the same person. I'll give you a discord's chat channel to keep you updated 100% with screens and level anytime. Add me on Skype : Youn Trading ( Dog face on picture ) 1-30 - less than 3hours = 15$ 1-40 - less than 4hours = 20$ 1-50 - less than 6hours = 25$ 1-60 - less than 8hours = 30$ 1-70 - less than 10hours = 35$