WELCOME TO POWER LEVELING SERVICE Cheapest packages waiting for you check it out PACKAGE LIST PRICE + DURATION: 1. LVL1 - LVL 60 PACKAGE PRICE = 15 $ DURATION : 1.5 DAYS COSTUMES + MASTERIES + MOUNT 1500 G 2.LVL-1 - LVL 70 PACKAGE PRICE = 25 $ DURATION : 2.7 DAYS COSTUMES + MASTERIES + MOUNT 2500 G 3.LVL-1 - LVL 80 PACKAGE PRICE = 45$ DURATION = 4.5 DAYS COSTUMES + MASTERIES + MOUNT 5000 GOLD 4.IF YOUR CHARACTER IS ON DIFFERENT LEVEL YOU CAN DISCUSS WITH ME ,FURTHUR PRICE CALCULATION + DURATION WILL BE DISCUSSED. Rules & Regulations: 1. No # program or third party program is used to powerlevel your account human service only . 2.Customers account id and password is kept secured with me and its customers duty to change password of the account after our service is over. 3. Keep your backpack's as empty as possible. 5.Do not sell anything inside the auction before buying leveling service. 6.Keep your messages clear items shouldnt be there if we find items then we will put that item inside your shared bank and inform you . 7.Do not login while the service is ongoing 8.You can track your characters level by asking on skype however you can even login and check your character if you want to ,timing will be given to you. 9.Your items and gold will not be touched however it is recommended to keep your items and gold clear 10. character armor weapons are provided by us . 11.You will be notified when the service gets over. 12.You have to create and name your character yourself if its a new one . 13. other characters wont be touched . PAYMENT TYPE : SKRILL PAYPAL (you have to be the original owner ,verified ,non shared paypal) NOTE: 1.LEVELING IS DONE BY HAND 100% NO THIRD PARTY PROGRAM IS USED 2.THE PERSON THAT IS LEVELING YOUR ACCOUNT IS LOCATED IN UK 3.IF THE ACCOUNT GETS BANNED WHILE THE SERVICE IS ONGOING WE WILL COMPENSATE 100% HOWEVER THE CHANCES ARE VERY LOW BECAUSE NO THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS ARE USED. HOWEVER IF THE ACCOUNT IS ALREADY BANNED WHILE LOGING IN AT FIRST TIME AFTER BUYING OUR SERVICE AND YOU ARE TRYING TO SCAM. NO COMPENSATION IS GIVEN AND WE WILL DISCUSS THE MATTER WITH playerup GM DIRECTLY ALL THE INFORMATION WILL BE HANDED OVER TO OUR RESPECTED playerup GM AND HE WILL DESIDE THE MATTER. add me manually SKYPE AK POWERLEVEL with aurakingdom logo on profile picture