Selling **power account**1.3 tril hero 70 vip 25 all buildings maxed inc garrison

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TROTTINGON4EVER, 10/31/16.

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    Graveyard lvl 20, all gem tree complete as well as new 20/20 on main troop researches complete (troop attack troop defence enemy debuff etc) 700 million gold millions of days of speeds, you'll never have to buy essence power or jewels etc, 6 million hammers, 500k hero medals and trillions of XP & loads VIP so you'll be good to do all next updates without spending a penny, every set gear, hundreds of each core, 1500 teleports, new gem sets, this account hasn't had any corners cut and power just from t2, this is 120 bill Research, 15 bill t4 even split and has ridiculous amounts of everything - screenshots available on line id is APSMOKER
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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