Hi Thinking about selling my account. The main char is a full AA, T6 geared (9/11 pcs) with PvP T3 gear with crafted dagger. Also world boss cloak and Raidfinder dps ring. Bunch of Slithering chaos rings and gems. The second best character is also PoM T4-geared. My DT has a mix of Khitai gear and T2-T3 Sin has some T4 and Khitai. The full list in order of best gear goes as follows: 80 PoM PvP 10 80 PoM PvP 4 80 DT PvP 3 80 Sin PvP 4 80 ToS 80 Demo 80 Hox 80 BS 80 Conq 80 Guard 40 Barb ~20 Necro ~15 Ranger Dont hesitate to approach with an offer or inquiries.