Sold [Selling] POE Affliction Softcore - Handfarm Currency - $0.40/div (Updated stock and price...

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by eins4419, 12/19/23.

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  1. eins4419

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    PC Affliction Softcore Handfarmed Currency
    Divine Orb
    Stock: 80 div (Dec 20th, 2023)
    $0.40 per divine (min order: 20 div) (Updated stock and price inside post)-div-cut-jpg" class="thumbnail" style="float:CONFIG" />

    Payment method: Paypal (Updated stock and price inside post)-paypal-smol2-png" class="thumbnail" style="float:CONFIG" />
    Just put an item up for sale in-game for the amount and give me the whisper line
    I'll whisper and trade you after the transfer go through
    (Please trade with high level character)

    Contact me via Discord: (Updated stock and price inside post)-discord-smol3-png" class="thumbnail" style="float:CONFIG" />
    Discord username: nyansumi_night
    ID: 159168118764077056
    (just add me and i'll message chu back as long as im not ded, can DM me directly if u in TFT discord)
    (chu can also PM me here but I'm just not as active)

    Feel free to ask me if chu have any question
    (Handfarmed currency, just a player, not re-seller)

    Vouch from playerup
    Attached Images (Updated stock and price inside post)-div-cut-jpg" /> (Updated stock and price inside post)-discord-smol3-png" /> (Updated stock and price inside post)-paypal-smol2-png" />
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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