Sold [Selling] POE Account vs old reg SAILING for BOTING ALL LVL HAVE

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xahterkot, 4/27/17.

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  1. xahterkot

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    Hello let me introduce myself. I am older seller of brut acc for MMO for RU net. And now I starting sall on World Wide. Special for users of this forum I want give best price on account for you. For who this account? For boting only. I sail account with old regist thet give you immunity for ban.:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

    Account pricing:
    If you buy 1 acc:
    1-25 lvl (random) - 1.5 USD 58
    25-40 lvl (random) - 2.5 USD 98
    40-70 lvl (random) - 4 USD 190
    70+ lvl (random) - 7.5 USD 380

    If you buy 10 acc - 10%
    If you buy 100 acc - 18%
    If you buy 500 acc - 30%

    I take BITCOIN, WMZ, QIWI vs out commission.
    Possible MasterCard or Visa but commission 9%
    My Skype: Xahterkoto_O Clik Able

    For mor ditail contact me
    Attached Thumbnails
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