Sold [Selling] Plex Server Sharing - (like Netflix) Over 700 TV Shows and 3000 Movies

Discussion in 'Netflix Accounts for Sale - Buy or Sell' started by RaquelSousaWT, 9/8/18.

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  1. RaquelSousaWT

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    I host a service, much like Netflix, that contains everything: From TV Shows to TV Series, Anime and Movies
    Also, if there's something that you would like to watch that I don't have, or I missed an episode, just let me know and I'll get it for you =)

    This is hosted through Plex, at my home, and it's a streaming service. You can stream it on any device: Colsoles, Pcs, Smartphones, Tablets, TV's...

    All you need to do is create an account at the Plex website, and login to it. I'll share my server with you, and voila!

    I'll give you 1 week free trial (7 days, 24h), and if you're happy with it:

    5$/month gets you:
    - 700+ tv shows, tv series and Anime
    - 3000+ movies
    - And more upon request

    All the content is 720p or better, unless good quality is not available.

    Please make sure:
    - Your internet is fast enough though. between 30 and 40mb or above is ideal.
    - You don't need subtitles

    Feel free to add me on Discord at Denadel#0521

    The slots are limited.

    Even though I've been in this forum for a while, I am aware I have 0 reputation here and never made a post (I think?!) but I am willing to let you have a 1 week trial, as I understand I also need to give you a bit of trust as well so I can build my reputation up.

    Kind Regards
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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