Selling Selling PlayStation 4 accounts.

Discussion in 'WarThunder Accounts for Sale' started by Black Fiire, 4/18/17.

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  1. Black Fiire

    Black Fiire
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    Hello and welcome to this thread. My name is Black Fiire and i'm here to sell PS4 accounts for very cheap price. (you probably heard of me before). Yeah i know, i'm advertising :( but that's the only way to reveal myself so plz no hate.

    Anyway, i want to keep this as short as possible since i am mostly busy with selling accounts and updating lists.

    Most of the time, i sell bundles which is way cheaper than purchasing 1 game ( a great advantage ain't it? ). Also note that, if you're looking for specific 1 game ( which i am certain that you won't :) ), it is almost impossible for me to look for it since it is almost uncommon with that specific game on his/her account.

    Also, you will have infinite PS PLUS because that owner will keep updating his PS PLUS so for you, it is infinite online gaming. :)

    WARNING: It is possible that one day the PS PLUS will be expired if the original owner doesn't purchase another PS PLUS. In case you overcome this, don't panic, just wait t'ill he updates his PS PLUS or you can always buy another PS PLUS account which will cost around 3-5$ if you have no patience.

    2nd WARNING, after logging in and downloading that games from the account(s) i've given, it is extremely IMPORTANT that, once you've SIGNED OUT, it is prohibited to LOGIN AGAIN on that account! Otherwise you'll lose all you GAMES that came in with that account! In this case, it's a no-return zone.

    All instructions and information will be given on SKYPE on how to download etc...

    3rd IMPORTANT WARNING! Don't even try to think about scamming me because i can see if the accounts are still active or not. So that also includes no CHARGE BACKS!

    Last but not least, i know you can't trust people that easily on internet, but give me a chance to prove that you've got it wrong about me and that i am a honest person. I've also got proof of list. :)

    Hope to see some new customers.

    Skype name: Black Fiire (profile pic is a burning fire logo)
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