Selling  1-6 Hours SELLING PLAY WILD ITEMS /Rare Halo, Duals, Cotton shoes and etc/

Discussion in 'Animal Jam Items - Buy Sell Trade' started by Enchantixchan, 7/21/21.

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  1. Enchantixchan

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    My Location:
    And welcome to my first play wild stock :D
    Here are the rules and information you need to follow before purchasing

    I’ll not go first at any circumstance
    The payment method must be PayPal friends and family in US dollars currency
    Or if you have British money, you can pay in Apple gift cards or Amazon gift cards
    We can use a middleman suggested by you or me depending on who the person is.
    However, if you have trust issues with middlemans, you can go first by checking my trust proofs on instagram. @Enchantixchan
    I have 20+ proofs plus some of them are selling proofs
    If you don’t own instagram., I can either send you the proofs through your email or on discord.
    I’m always welcome to negotiate whenever when it’s necessary to do so.
    My discord username is Wait!?WHAT#4554 and my email if you wanted to communicate with me is [email protected]

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