Sold Selling Platinum Warframe [PC] 100pl = 1$ ~ 1000pl = 10$ [Fast-Safe-Delivery]

Discussion in 'Warframe Platinum - Buy Sell Trade' started by VpKevin, 4/18/20.

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  1. VpKevin

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    >>>>>>>>>> Please read all <<<<<<<<<<
    * Requirements for delivery:

    - Be a Master's Rank of 4 or higher.
    - When making the delivery I will send you a message inside the game and then the invitation to the dojo.
    - You must have 50,000 Credits for every 100pl you want.
    - At the time of trade you must put objects like, Mods, Prime Parts without value so that it is a legitimate exchange.
    - Do not write me in the game or talk about shopping outside the game.
    - Max Platinum for every trade is 1000pl, if you want more than 1k you need to put in trade trash rivens.
    - Safe method.

    * Payment: "Only Paypal"

    * How to Contact me:
    - Discord: Jhin Sky#7857
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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