Sold [Selling] Personal EU account/ full standart collection

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lasttofall, 7/28/23.

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  1. lasttofall

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    Hello, wts personal account registered in 2014.
    2140 gold 40000 dust
    Full standart collecion
    All tavern passes have been purchased

    You can check all golden and diamond cards here
    screens: Album on Imgur

    17golden and 88 normal legendary cards in wild
    If you are not intrested in wild, disenchanting only legendary cards will give you 62k dust. And there is more epic and lower cards.

    Ask me in discord if you need more info
    discord tag: lasttofall

    asking 200$ But maybe I can bring down the price a little
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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