Selling Perin's 0.07$ each & Accounts (Kargo server)

Discussion in 'FlyFF Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I've had a great time playing FlyFF but had to quit as I literally have no time to play it. I've been hanging on to these perins, thinking I would come back some time but I really should move on.

    So I'm selling my Perins for 0.07$ each. I have loads!

    Leave your Skype ID's if you are interested.

    Also have several accounts for sale so if you want to find out more, leave your ID's.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________

    ALSO, as a ONE TIME special offer bundle,

    I am selling all of these listed below for $150! (As a bundle ONLY.)


    125 Hero Psykeeper

    101 (M) Jester, Lv.89 Ranger & Lv.50 Assist (Same account)

    Lv.81 Blade & 91 BP (Same Account)

    103 Elementor & 89 Ringmaster (Same Account)

    With lots of consumables. (Some accounts still have many CS Items that are event.)

    + 243 Billion Penya

    + Fashion pieces and pick up pets.

    Complete with a Nightmare Cage.

    For more info, add me on Skype: heyezra

    or leave me an email at: *****************************************************


    Still for sale?
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