Selling Perfect beginner account 550+ mythril

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by letitgo, 2/24/17.

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  1. letitgo

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    I doubt you will find a more perfect beginner's account anywhere. With anniversary coming up you can customize it however you want!

    At the time of this posting the account has:

    559 mythril + 500 gems
    109 stamina
    5m+ gil
    bsb: vaan, papalymo
    ssb: minfilia, lightning, quistis, squall, balthier, sephiroth, cait sith
    all basic necessary skills including full break (enough orbs to hone to r2 with exchange), mostly low hones but many major orbs in stock

    All materials including mythril and orbs will continue to increase as I continue to play the account daily until sold. I do not get a thrill from pulling and will not pull on any banners except half price ones.

    The account has no trouble clearing the current realm dungeons and +++ of events

    This is my personal account and has never been used by anyone else. You will receive the one and only gmail account it has ever been attached to with your purchase. Maybe you know about how difficult it is to secure ffrk accounts that have been transferred since they are attached to devices and emails, etc. I would advise against ever buying an ffrk account if it will be transferred with the one time code. The email account it is attached to is necessary to secure your account.

    Please make an offer if you're interested here or through pm, thanks for looking!
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