CHAMPION POINTS: 640+ Account progressing daily. I will update info on regular basis. General account information: The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Digital Imperial Edition account. Morrowind expansion and pre-order bonus items. ALL DLC activated. Subscription active. 1500 crowns. Bank space upgraded to 240 (base 120) slots. 150,000g New Vitrine Dwarven Wolf Mount TONS of costumes, TONS of extras Strident Springs House fully furnished BIS Gear & Maelstrom Weapons Thousands of dollars spent on this account. CHARACTERS: cp630 Khajiit Male StamBlade: Master Crafter (Almost full 9 trait research), DPS- BIS gear. cp630 Redguard Male StamSorc: Flawless Conquerer, DPS- BIS gear. cp630 Redguard Male StamDK: DPS- BIS gear. cp630 High Elf Female MagSorc: Flawless Conquerer, DPS- BIS gear. cp630 Dark Elf Female MagBlade: Stormproof, DPS- BIS gear. cp630 High Elf Male MagTemplar: Stormproof, Healer- BIS gear. cp630 High Elf Male MagWarden: DPS- Near-BIS gear. cp630 Dark Elf Male MagDK: DPS- BIS gear. Too much else to list. Skype: Breaking_Exile I use MM and you pay for the service