Hello. WTS my Neverwinter account. My laptop got old and my engineering grade is not going to do itself.... On account you can find : Main character - GWF 3,1K ( almost 100% campaings ) with good build for DPS, perf vorpal, negation ench. , gond mount ( 2k power ), Lostmauth set, Headsman weapon set ( new one ), brutal enchantment r12, few azure ench. r10 r8/7 ( dragons hoard/feyblessing in utility ), artifacts upgraded to legendary lvl, Orcus set in eq. waiting for 2x RP event, Fire Archon ( blue ) with bonds r8. HR 2,4K ( to do ) with lostmauth set, enchantments r7, playable, with artifacts on epic lvl GF ( tank, to do... ) with a lot of gear and artifacts for tank, r7.... Other characters are : SW ( 1,8k to do ...) DC ( 65 lvl ) OP ( lvl 4 ) TR ( lvl 4 ) 120k AD on acc, no Zen. Price: 120$ via PayPal to negotiate.