Sold Selling [pc] 4 bound legendary bounts on 3 chars! | tr pve | pvp gf | pvp cw

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pUlf, 12/26/16.

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  1. pUlf

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    Hello guys, i got b0red of playing Neverwinter its all the time the same stuff in PvP and in PvE so i want to sell this Account BTW: This account is on the EU/US Servers!!! (Dragon i guess its called)

    The Chars on this Account are:
    1xPvP GF 3,6K (with enchantments)
    1xPvP CW (with a few rank12 enchantments)
    1xPvE TR (with a few rank8-9 enchantments)
    The Enchantments on this Account are:

    4x[Silvery Enchantment, Rank 12]
    2x[Brutal Enchantment, Rank 12]
    5x[Radiant Enchantment, Rank 12]
    2x[Radiant Enchantment, Rank 11]
    4x[Radiant Enchantment, Rank 10]
    2x[Dark Enchantment, Rank 10]
    1x[Transcendent Elven Battle Enchantment]
    1x[Pure Feytouched Enchantment]
    1x[Perfect Bonding Runestone]
    1x[Bonding Runestone, Rank 11]
    1x[Bonding Runestone, Rank 12]
    Many Rank 8 / Rank 7 Enchantments

    The Mounts on this Account are:
    1x[Swift Golden Lion] Bound on the GF
    1x[Swift Golden Lion] Unbound in the Account-Bank
    1x[Armored Axe Beak] Bound on the TR
    1x[Tenser's Floating Disk] Bound on the TR
    1x[Tenser's Floating Disk] Bound on the CW

    Soo.. i post now some Screenshots of the Chars and the Mounts

    Just give me a price and i say yes or no (nothing under 1200EURO Paypal or Middleman ONLY!!)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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