Sold [Selling] (pc) 17k hdps gf

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by scambanter, 7/1/18.

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  1. scambanter

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    As the title says - i`m selling off my hdps GF.

    17.5k IL GF
    10k IL CW
    Other 3 low


    Tenser disk
    some epic mounts

    Chultan tiger (legendary)active
    Siege Master (legendary)active
    Dancing shield (legendary)
    Fire Archon (epic)active/summoned
    Wind Archon (epic)active
    Earth Archon (epic)
    War Boar (epic)active
    Multiple other epic companions

    Fire Archon: Bonding R14 x3/ 2x Bronzwood raid rings with Brutal R14 x4/ Heroic Talisman +4 with Brutal R14 and Radiant R14
    70ish Companion upgrade tokens

    Loadouts x2
    Powers: ALL open
    Primal Cap (reinforced)
    Kiuno Top x2 (reinforced)
    Fearbringers/Jawrippers/Survivor Wraps Arms (reinforced)
    Boots of Willed (reinforced)
    Primal Weapons (legendary)
    Shadowstalker +4 (reinforced)
    Bronzwood raid ring (reinforced)
    Primal Shirt/Pants
    Demog Acc set (reinforced/legendary)
    Valhalla Acc set (reinforced/legendary)

    Orcus (mystic)
    Valhalla (mystic)
    Lantern (mystic)
    Sigil of GWF/DC/GF (mystic)
    Wheel of elements (mystic)
    Sigil of CW (mystic)
    Champions banner (lvl1)

    Unpearled Dread
    Transendence Soulforgerd
    Brutal R13 x7
    Radiant R13 x3
    Savage R13 x2
    Cruel R13 x1
    Dark R12 x5
    Dark R14 x1 (aniversary)
    Ruthless R7 x1

    Other Gear:
    Ring of Offensive/Defensive action
    Greavstricker +4 x2
    Ring of Curse bringer
    Beaded Assault Ring
    Ring of Brutality +5
    Jarl`s Gaze
    Mane of Manticore
    Strategist`s Executioners Helm
    Chitters Fangs
    Bunch of other Epic gear

    5k Guild marks
    6k ish Glory

    ALL to 100%
    Borovia at 50%

    If you`re interested feel free to contact me here or trough skype: litlealert
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