Selling Selling Path of Exile Account Arc Build - Inquisitor Templar Level 90 Standard League

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ares111, 7/16/17.

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  1. Ares111

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    Arc Build - Inquisitor Templar Level 90 Standard League

    I want to sell my personal poe account, I spent 7 months to build this powerful templar with all you need.

    A lot of valuable items in the stash (8 tabs including 3 Premium Tabs) , loads of currency ( 7 exalted, 170 chaos etc. ), Maps, Etc.

    Atlas: 94/126

    Masters : all 7 with lvl max (8)

    Arc with 70,000 DPS + Decoy totem +Lightning golem+ sulphur flask etc =
    about 90,000 DPS or more

    Superb Resistances: Fire 75% (221%), Cold 75%(198%), Lightning 76%(214%), Chaos 100% Immune

    Life 1/1 ( Immune to chaos). Energy Shield: 7,429 . Evasion rating: 2143. Energy Shield Recharge: 2005 Armour: 922 Mana: 925

    Life leech is applied to energy shield and applies instantly


    Left hand:
    Blight Bite Fiend Dagger with: Fortify Support lvl 20, Whirling Blades lvl 20 , Faster Attacks Support lvl 20

    Right hand:
    Armaggedon Shield with: Decoy Totem lvl 20, Summon Lightning Golem lvl 20, faster casting support lvl 20

    The Vertex Vaal Mask with: Orb of storms lvl 20 (+1 from item), Curse on hit lvl 20 ( +1 from item), Assasins Mark lvl 20 ( +1 from item), Power charge on critical lvl 20 (+1)

    Body Armour:
    Atziri's Splendour Sacrificial Garb 6 socket fully linked with: Arc lvl 21 and 20 quality, Increased Critical Damage Support lvl 21 and 20 quality, Faster Casting Support lvl 21 and
    quality 20, Increased Critical strike support lvl 20 and qual 20 , spell echo support lvl 20 and qul 20, elemental focus support lvl 20 and qual 20 ( you can also change elem focus suport
    with Added Lightning Damage lvl 20 and qual 20 that i also have it)

    Left ring: Mind knuckle Paua Ring

    Right ring : Call of the brotherhood Two-Stone Ring

    Amulet: Demon Gorget Agate Ammulet

    Belt: Doryani Invitation Heavy Belt

    Facebreaker Strapped Mits with: Incrased Duration Sup lvl 20 qual 20, Immortal Call lvl 20 , Cast when damage taken lvl 20, Frost Wall lvl 20 qual 20

    Carrion March Sorcerer Boots with: Warlords Mark lvl 20 and 17 qual, Discipline lvl 20 and qual 20, Enlighten Support lvl 2 (almost 3 ), Blasphemy Support lvl 20 and qual 10
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