Selling own account! Furina C6 + Weapon America server

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Other Accounts | Genshin Impact Accounts Sale' started by /u/Mysterious-Travel-14, 1/23/25.

  1. /u/Mysterious-Travel-14

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    Hello! Im looking to sell my genshin account at 200$, paypal Also, my account is binded to Playstation and Xbox, so letting you know in case you are a playstation user. I think it wont be possible. But if a pc player, then it’s fine to unbind! (If Colombian, we can agree on another type of payment ) Dm if you are interested!!

    | Info characters | 4 of 6 Archons 8 Promo weapons (1 dup) 4 weapons permanent banner 13 promo characters Owns all characters from permanent banner 35 moons

    | Constellations | Furina C6 Jean C6 Qiqi C2 Xianyun C1 Cyno C1 Tighnari C1 Diluc C1

    # #/Mysterious-Travel-14
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