Sold Selling Othell Rogue adventurer 101 - Yul Ghost Sentinel 103

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tradable, 2/21/17.

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  1. Tradable

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    dark elf male - exalted (ertheia lv95 crafting lv3 and lv4 love potion)

    othell rogue adventurer 101
    yul ghost sentinel 103
    titan 80
    doomcryer 80

    +15 dex dyes - dagger
    +15 dex dyes - archer
    +3 dex bracelet
    +3 str bracelet
    +7 shiny shirt
    4 slots brooch
    5 slots brooch
    lv4 ruby
    lv4 opal
    lv4 obsidian
    lv4 diamond
    lv4 pearl
    lv3 amethyst
    lv3 emerald
    soes magic body staff with physical skill refresh augment
    spirit staff mental shield with reflect damage active augment
    talisman wind p.skill critical damage 10002/10080
    1 birthday box (with potions, cake and hat )
    6 birthday potions
    7 chocolate cookies
    12 eruption potion
    8 party cakes
    29 vitality maintenance potion
    4 xp buff 50% potion
    12 mysterious wind scroll
    4 mysterious slaughter dye
    rudolph agathion
    1 drop rate rune 200% 1hr
    3 drop rate rune 200% 7days
    1 emperor shunaiman's weapon set pack + 200k soulshot & blessed shots no grade
    1 ertheia's rare acessory pack 7days
    5 rare acessory pack 14days
    2 sp rune 200% 7days
    1 rune 100% xp 7days
    1 rune 200% xp 7days
    1 angel cat blessing
    1 turtle necklace
    1 rose necklace
    1 ertheia boost scroll
    1 rose spirit cupon
    69 giant crystal
    18 demon crystal
    162 bloody crystal
    1 valentine pack

    all dagger skills +10
    archer skills all +10 (5 skills more than +10)
    pinpoint shot+17
    quick shot+16
    counter instinct+16
    tornado shot+15
    multiple arrow+15
    heavy arrow rain+15

    skype: wlopes1989

    accepting adena or wire transfer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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