Sold Selling Original owner | hot + pof + linked gw1 | account since beta | 7 legendaries

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Veinzzz, 10/17/17.

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  1. Veinzzz

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    Original Owner | HoT + PoF + Linked GW1 | Account Since Beta | 7 Legendaries | 34kG Worth


    In General: The account is created in the very begin of Guild Wars 2. Im the original owner, and I never used SMS verification. The account comes with email address or we can create new one as you like. I have all info about account and purchases around it. If I miss some information, please ask for more details! :)

    This account is on Elona Reach [DE] and has multiple lvl80s, but Its mostly about the thief, which is godlike:cool:. Anyway, theres a lot of instant leveling boosters in bank, so leveling won't be your problem if your favorite class/race is missing. Account's age is 1879 days including 2704 hours played total (2079 hours only on thief).


    Thief (Deadeye, Daredevil), Human Female |Guardian (Dragonhunter), Norn Female | Warrior (Berserker), Human Male

    Ranger (Druid), Norn Male | Engineer (Scrapper), Human Female | Necromancer, Human Female | Revenant (Herald), Norn Female | Mesmer, Human Female

    Gear, Skins & Gemstore: The account has 3x medium armor ascended sets(Marauder, Berserker, Minstrel), 1x light armor ascended set (Marauder) and 1x heavy armor ascended set (Marauder). Also many armor and weapon boxes in bank.

    I have crafted 6 legendary weapons,
    [HOPE][Bolt][Incinerator][The Dreamer][The Predator][Eternity] and also legendary PvP backpack [The Ascension]. Legendary trinket [Aurora] nearly done.

    Other interesting skins
    [Genesis][Phoenix Hammer][Glittering Longbow][Tempest Shortbow][Immortal Greatsword][Bo][Ley Line Staff][Tempest Staff][Jormag's Breath][Ilya][Plasma Shield][Fractal Capacitor][Mawdrey][Desert Rose][Ghostly Infusion]

    Gemstore Items
    [Mist Herald Backpack][Geomancer Glider Skin][Black Feather Wings][Krytan Medium Armor Skin][Magitech Medium Armor Skin][Primeval Heavy Armor Skin][Wintersday Earmuffs][Shoulder Scarf][Exalted Glider]
    Royal Guardian Outfit][Crystal Arbiter Outfit][Mad King's Outfit][Shadow Assassin Outfit][1 Shared Inventory Slot][1 Storage Expander][2 Bank Tab Expansion][2 Character Slot Expansion]

    PvP, WvW & PvE:

    -Rank 137
    -Dragon finishers
    -Title 'Exalted Legend' (Season 2)

    -World rank 286

    -Achievement points 10709
    -Map completion 100% on thief and ranger
    -Story completed on thief
    (PoF Story less than half I guess)
    -Mastery rank 222 (HoT Mastery Maxed)
    -3 Mounts(Raptor, Springer and Skimmer)
    -Fractals lvl84 (Enough AR to complete lvl100 as ranger)

    -Maxed professions:

    Jeweler, Weaponsmith, Huntsman, Leatherworking

    Only way to do the transaction is using trusted middleman service. Price for the account is 450€ + PayPal fee +Middleman Service. If you are interested, send me private message here and I'll give you my skype. :)

    Here's few pictures of classes I enjoyed most :)



    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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