WEAPONS: Melee:All nether blades,swashbuckler,arkham,gold halloween hammer,Daeh bronze Riffle:Hyperion,gold riffle,laser of evaporation,mp5,quartermaster,crystal icicle,adv pepper Shotgun:All acme series,Adv-kw-79,Esponiage G,movic Sniper:Sea wasp,Wake robin,Awm,Awsm Bazooka:Potato prime,anamatron,outlaw,hermes, Nades:Predator,adv pulse SETS:Jimi,tight,awsome,dark glacies,shirin shinobi PARTS:Saint nick leggings,anesidora helmet,advent caroll dress,elegant do,ying maozi,pluvia coat full Im looking for atleast 200 dollars or 150 euro Im not giving first cus i dont want to get in a chance to lose my account...Its to risky to give first i want only serious dealers. SKYPE:Frostlux1 Lets go!!!