Hello. Want to sell my old account. Tired of spending a lot of time in these games. On that acc i have Heartstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch Standart Edition and WoW with all addons except last. First and only one owner. A lot of addition information about account on screenshots. Heartstone All golden classes except Rogue (24), Shaman (40) and Mage (327). Liadrin avatar. 6245 wins in Play mode and 1624 with max 12 wins in Arena. Have 39 cardbacks, have legend, didnt miss monthly cardbacks. Bought and completed all expansions (heroics too). 24 closed packs, 3000 gold, 4550 dust. 68 legendaries (1 golden - Geddon), 20 golden epics, 54 golden rares. Here is a list of legendaries I DO NOT HAVE: Fandral Staghelm, Malorne, Dreadscale, Princess Huhuran, Gahz'rilla, King Krush, Flame Leviathan, Anomalus, Rhonin, Bolvar Fordragon, Eadric the Pure, Ragnaros, Lightlord, Confessor Paletress, Prophet Velen, Xaril, Poisoned Mind, Trade Prince Gallywix, Anub'arak, Hallazeal the Ascended, The Mistcaller, Wilfred Fizzlebang, Mal'Ganis, Shifter Zerus, Lorewalker Cho, Millhouse Manastorm, Nat Pagle, Eydis Darkbane, Fjola Lightbane, King Mukla, Tinkmaster Overspark, Blingtron 3000, Elite Tauren Chieftain, Hemet Nesingwary, Mimiron's Head, Nexus-Champion Saraad, Bolf Ramshield, Gazlowe, Gelbin Mekkatorque, Illidan Stormrage, Mogor the Ogre, The Beast, The Skeleton Knight, Toshley, Chillmaw, Hogger, Doom of Elwynn, Skycap'n Kragg, Gruul, The Boogeymonster, Icehowl, Nozdormu, Onyxia, Soggoth the Slitherer, Only 4-5 cards are good here (you have dust to craft all you need) and nobody use all the rest. Heroes of the Storm 403 total hero level. 3041 matches. 26300 gold. 1 hero and team league rank in preseason (2 avatars + 2 mounts). Didnt play 1 season just did first 10 matches so i have only diamond portrait from hl in first season. I have goblin mount for 20k gold. Master skins: Lunara, Sylvana, Kharazim, Brightwing. The rest information about hots you can check on screenshot at the end of post. Overwatch Standart edition. 65 rank in first season, now my max is 3165, current is 2800.185 level, 13 epic highlights, 16 epic emotions, 5600 coins. I bought 2 gold weapons for Mercy and Reaper, now i have 1200 out of 3000 poitns to buy next one. Legendary and epic skins i have: Wasteland (Ana) Antique & Gearbot (Bastio n) Junker & Taegeukgi (D.Va) Nomad (Genji) Ribbit & HippityHop (Lucio) Vigilante (Mccree) Imp (Mercy) Anubis (Phara) El Blanco & Wight (Reaper) Bloodhardt & Balderich (Reinhardt) Chopper , Blackbeard & Woodclad (Torbjorn) Ultraviolet & Track and Field (Tracer) Odile & Noire (Widowmaker) Ascendant (Zenyatta) ! I have silence in hots (7 months left) and in ow (about 35 days left). 2 screenshots with more information about games: https://postimg.org/image/s3qgrzkt7/ https://postimg.org/image/8zx5bn7yz/ Feel free to ask any question. Сontасt me here, bаttlе.nеt (EU) - Spears#2433 or skyре Ashhey123.