Sold Selling OO Selling exclusive account

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Enzime, 10/19/16.

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  1. Enzime

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    Selling my account

    I'm original and only owner of this Founder account.

    First in total i have 20 characters, 7 of them max level 65.

    Overall 45k achievement points

    DvL event done on 100%

    Vanity: I have nearly everything such as kel dragon sets on 4 characters, crest of the dread master on 3, 3 Dread rancors, 5 characters with wings of the architect, Grey helix hyperpod, titan-6 mount. Many CM sets, weapons, color crystals, mounts unlocked. About 20 million credits across all chars, all 5 Strongholds opened and decorated.

    Operations: cleared on 100%

    warstalker, deposer of the dread masters, dread master, conqueror of the dread fortress, gate crusher, from beyond, dragonslayer on multiple characters. All done before 4.0 and nerfs.

    PVP: S3-S5 rewards. Furious sets, weapons, decorations, mounts.

    All reputations are maxed out except CM ones

    I think I have all rewards for RAF program.

    Price is 300 euro or make a good offer, also sub until new expansion comes out so you don't miss any rewards
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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