Selling Selling OO NA - Greybriar -- 1575 Hit Mage with HUGE artifact collection and more!!!!

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tranquilremedies, 10/18/16.

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  1. tranquilremedies

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    Female High Elf Mage: Level 65

    Female Eth Rogue: Level 65 Female High Elf Cleric: Level 65
    Male Mathosian Primalist: Level 65
    Female High Elf Warrior: Level 65

    Are you a new player? Someone thinking about returning to Rift but you can't remember your account information worth a damn? Do you remember your account information and realize that you don't have the time to level and gear out your character before the new expansion of Starfall Prophecies is released? Look NO further!!! Rift's population is actually increasing with the new expansion coming out and old players are returning because they realize that all the other games out there are just plain boring or repetitive and nothing to do after you gear out your max level character. Rift is different!! I have spent hours and hours doing tons of things at max level. I unfortunately do not have the time to invest into this game no longer due to college life. Here are some details about this amazing account.

    ~ 1575 Hit DPS/Healer Mage. Can go to 1600 with the T3 tokens but I chose not to invest into it. Does awesome DPS and has one of the best specs for PvP. The character itself is 3/4 RoF, Never been into MS, 3-4/11 HK, 4/4 HM IGP, 5-6/9 MoM, 3/4 NM CoA. Very easily can get thru the old 50 raids to farm plat every week.

    ~1000+ DPS Rogue. This was my original character but I made a mage after taking a break from the game. She has a lot of T1 gear and has some gear from IGP (It's warrior gear but better than what she had). She is set up with the best DPS spec currently in-game and can easily pull about 75k DPS with her baby gear.

    ~65 Cleric, Primalist, Warrior. All Fresh 65s. They were power leveled because I wanted access to all classes in case I needed to gear something up for a raid. Gear needs MAJOR updating but great if you want a fresh start.

    ~Well over 1,400 artifact sets in the game. Only need approx 116 Artifacts plus some doubles in order to complete every set in the game. With this account, I will provide information about what I use/do for artifact hunting if you need it. I also have a spreadsheet with bounty locations. The mage is preset with macros for artifact hunting.

    ~Tons of Mounts and Companion pets. I have tons of mounts from the Rift Store as well as companion pets. Well over 100 Minion cards with most at level 16+. I try to level them all together so I only have 1 level 25 minion.

    ~Approx 8,000++ Plat on hand and tons more on the auction house waiting to be sold.

    ~8 Chests of 1,000 pellets to feed Opie (Plus pellets outside of the chest) About 40 lucky coins on hand.

    ~All planar nut squirrel mounts minus bramble. There are 11 out of 23 nuts left.

    ~Mage has the Enslaved Tank set. Gear is pretty decent otherwise.

    ~All bank/bag slots were obtained for the Mage and a lot of them for the Rogue.

    ~Level 450 in all crafts in the game with *most* of the current recipes. Over 11,000 Artisan marks and near cap Master/Grandmaster marks. Have several boxes and bags saved up for the new expansion. Have a couple of 160% tokens to use when you open the bags. Also have a couple of 160% experience vials to level with the new expansion.

    Why is this account priced so high? Well, my friend. You really don't want to know how much money was really put into this account. I am asking for a small portion of it in return. Considering that the account has black tier loyalty, that in itself is worth the price I am asking for.

    I am the original owner of the account. No need to worry about recalls or anything negative coming back to the account. The account is 100% safe. No warnings. No suspensions or bans. I have high reputation so please bid with confidence.

    Any questions, feel free to private message me. My apologies for the account information all over the place, it's a lot to remember. :)

    Happy bidding!




    - - - Updated - - -

    This post was originally made on where I have 50 positive feedbacks.

    Also with this account, there are 5 green quality weapons with skins on them. Please look at the weapons before you destroy them. They have skins of Ice, Ice Dagger, Ice Sword, Snowflake Staff and one other that I can't remember right now.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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