Selling OO HardCore PvE/PvP account , Rare Unobtainable 'Apex Sage' title from ranked.

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by luke1998, 8/25/16.

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  1. luke1998

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    Im looking to sell my account, Located on The Red Eclipse.
    Im mainly a PvE'er and i have PvP'ed alot also. I have many titles to my name

    Vanity Items:
    Crest of the Dread Masters x1
    Wings of the Architect x2
    Dread Enhanced Rancor x1
    Tons of Nightmare Decorations such as Commemorative Statue of Dread Master Bronte's
    NiM Titles:
    Revanchist x5
    The Eternal Warrior (4)
    The Winter Warrior on Every Character (Unobtainable Title)

    Dread Master x3
    Gate Crasher x4
    From Beyond and Dargonslayer on most level 65 Characters
    The Furious on Most Characters
    Of The Ruined World on Most 65 Characters
    Ancient Threat
    Master of the Beyond
    Warstalker x2

    Raiding Characters all have Best in Slot gear fully augmented and suited to there roles.
    Sage - Ayallia 65 Healer
    Sorcerer - Niyalla 65 Healer
    Sentinel - Niyella 65 Damage
    Scoundrel - Isallia 65 Healer
    Operative - Aexila 65 Healer
    PvP Characters also have BIS gear fully augmented and suited to there roles.

    I have Over 150 Mounts and Tons of rare decos/unobainble armor sets Ect unlocked in collections, such as Dathomir shamans armor, Tulak hord and xoxaans armor set

    Contact me for more info and payment is accepted VIA Paypal
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