Selling OO Harbinger | Cheap

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fumetsu, 8/27/16.

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  1. Fumetsu

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    Selling an account that is perfect for those that wants to start anew in the game, account comes with

    All DLCs and expansions inclusive of KOTFE last chapter, sub ends at 20th September (around there)

    64 Sith Assassin - Full 208 PvE gear (60 char token)
    32 Sith Marauder
    3 low level toons

    70 Cartel coins
    Reaver's Armor set (Unlocked for whole account)
    Formal Tuxedo Armor set (Unlocked for whole account)
    Snowtrooper's Armor set (Unlocked for whole account)
    Commander Vizla's Armor set

    Both sabers give flashy effects and glow
    Volatile Conqueror's Lightsaber (Unlocked for whole account)
    Volatile Conqueror's Saberstaff (Unlocked for whole account)

    Have some adapative legacy gear using data crystals so I can really look like a sith/operative instead of all the random armors.

    Looking for 30 USD!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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