Selling OO Founder+Beta account - 8 level 65s+rated pvp gear - Rare vanity items - Cheap!

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by missinglink12, 7/18/16.

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  1. missinglink12

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    Picture gallery, if you want pictures of something mentioned in the post please PM me or message my Skype.

    The characters on this account are as follows:

    8 level 65s
    65 Powertech (208 rated gear, fully augmented; optimized stats, w/ vanguard)
    65 Vanguard (208 rated gear, fully augmented)
    65 Mercenary
    65 Commando
    65 Juggernaut (208 rated gear, fully augmented, optimized stats)
    65 Operative (204 unrated pvp gear)
    65 Sniper (204 unrated pvp gear)
    65 Scoundrel (204 unrated pvp gear, w/ op)
    62 Guardian
    62 Marauder
    61 Shadow
    60 Sage

    1 Create a Level 60 Character Token available for use!

    Account is also Legacy Level 50

    Let's move onto the account's vanity:
    A short list of noteworthy mounts and companions on the account, starting with the rarest/most expensive:

    Very rare/expensive Rancor mount the Kingpin's Rancor. This mount is UNUSED and you can use it on ANY character you want.
    Very rare/expensive Vectron mount the Vectron Magnus. This mount is ALSO UNUSED, and you can use it on ANY character of your choosing.

    Creature Companion: Akk Dog (sells for insane cash, currently unobtainable conventionally)
    Creature Companion: Nexu (very expensive)

    Creature Companion: K'lor'slug Soldier
    Droid Companion: Personal Warbot
    Corellian Stardrive Flash
    Dune Sea Bantha
    Sky Cruiser
    Ashfall Tauntaun
    Snowstorm Assault Speeder
    Hutt Cantina Skiff
    Ridge Hunter Rancor
    Landslide Assault Speeder
    Armored Coastal Varactyl
    Marsh Hunter Acklay
    MSM JT-9 Jetpack
    Gnarls Manka Cat
    Swamp Rancor
    Regal Tauntaun
    Wasteland Womp Rat


    Here's a list of all account-wide item that all characters, and any future characters you create, will immediately receive via the mail:

    M4-16 Astromech Droid
    Eternal Empire Patroller Reward
    HK-55 Weapon Set
    HK-55 Helmet Reward
    HK-55 Inspired Ship Droid Customizations
    HK-55 Jetpack Reward
    HK-55 Companion
    M4-1S Astromech Droid
    Germany Cantina Tour Bonus
    San Diego Cantina Tour Bonus
    KotoR-Inspired Swoop
    Nico Okarr Duster
    Nico Okarr Blasters
    New York Cantina Tour Bonus
    Seattle Cantina Tour Bonus
    All the Preferred Friends pets+mount.
    Pre-order bonus items
    MT-** Astromech Droid
    All of the Galactic Starfighter rewards (2 titles, and 4 different armor sets, as well as ship paints)
    Digital Deluxe Edition items
    Founder of the Old Republic
    Tauntaun Ram

    Weapons/armor of worth on the account:

    The account also has 2 Kingpin's Blasters, and the Kingpin's Blaster Rifle (rare/expensive, plus the rifle looks like a tommy gun it's awesome)
    Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber (sells for a ton..)
    Collapsible Bowcaster Grek
    Tythonian Force Master's Lightsaber
    Interstellar Regulator's Blaster
    Most of the Kingpin's armor set
    Various other armor sets, such as Naga Sadow's and Freedon Nadd's

    Toys, such as:
    Pocket Sarlacc
    Kolto Tank
    The limited time only Remote Control Ebon Hawk


    Almost fully unlocked Yavin 4 Stronghold, extremely well decorated (can show pictures on request)
    Nar Shaddaa Guild Stronghold very well decorated and fully unlocked. Over a hundred million credits have been sunk into the decoration of these strongholds, they're extremely well decorated and are really incredible.

    Recap of the characters:

    2 characters in full ranked 208 PvP gear, and fully augmented, that can be put in legacy gear and sent to characters of the opposite faction. Powertech/Vanguard and Juggernaut/Guardian are the classes in fully 208+augmented gear
    2 more characters in full unranked 204 PvP gear Scoundrel/Operative and Sniper/Gunslinger

    Just bonus stuff:
    HK Hutt Enforcer customization as well.

    26 Manaan Research data (can sell for a lot, or buy the weapons/mount)

    Around 20 million credits on the account

    Please add my Skype at missinglink.12 with any offers you may have! Or PM me here.
    I am intending to let it go for cheap!!

    I'm the original owner and was invited/created the account during the SWTOR beta.. I have all information in regards to the acc.
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  2. hirokin

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    i am interested
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  3. chuigd

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    how much does it costs?
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